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Woolsthorpe Manor

Woolsthrope Manor is famous for being the birthplace and family home of Isacc Newton. It is located in the small hamlet of Woolsthrope-by-Colsterworth, in northern England.

Isacc Newton was born in the house in 1642. He also returned here in 1666, when Cambridge University was closed during the plague. There was no online learning. Instead, he performed some of his most groundbreaking experiments on light and optics.

360°x180° Spherical Panorama

The famous apple tree is in the apple orchard in front of the house. It is past the gate and down the hill to the left; it is surrounded by a short fence. It is over 400 years old.

360°x180° Spherical Panorama

This is the his mother’s room inside the manor.

360°x180° Spherical Panorama

See also

Science and technology photos
Other museums and places related to science and technology.
Travel photos
Other places from around the world.

External links

Woolsthorpe Manor
The National Trust Website for Woolsthorpe Manor.